Porsche literature expert Charlie White has a most impressive collection of everything Porsche. At his website, you will find even the most obscure technical manuals and service bulletins. You will also find info about his comprehensive books for the 356 Porsche. Many thanks for his permission for use of his images.
White met Erich Strenger in 1983 at the Ozarks '83 PCA Porsche Parade at which time Strenger signed many of the brochures you see here.
The 'Rainbow Convertible D' brochure from 1958 with excerpts ...

Porsche power is no paper fiction

… it is a car that worthily ignites your pride of possession.

It turns on a dime, parks in a wink and corners like a cat.

New convenient roll up windows have
been added to this youngest member
of the famous Porsche family.
And windshield washers are
standard equipment too!