Those would be typographic "Loves" I'm referring to here ...

“Right” half of the iconic "LOVE" and "HATE" tattoos on the knuckles of the killer and faux preacher, played by Robert Mitchum, in ‘Night of the Hunter.

Peter Max’s famous “Love.” Poster was issued to commemorate the 40th anniversary or the Summer of Love.

Two Alexander Girard “Love” designs on pillows. “International Love,” at right, from
Urban Outfitters, includes the word “love” in 19 languages.

Never saw the movie, but I remember the type from when I was a kid.

Probably the greatest “Love” of all, is by Robert Indiana. This was the first “Love” stamp issued by the Postal Service, 1973. Below, subsequent typographic “Love” stamps issued.

The knottiness of polygamy is woven right into the logo of the HBO’s series, Big Love.

A while back, I found these hand silk-screened cards. I loved how of-an-era they were in image, color, and medium. The “Tiber” on the back refers to Tiber Press, which was started in Greenwich Village by Italian-born artist
Floriano Vecchi and his partner, in 1953. Turns out that in addition to creating fabulous cards, he taught the silk-screening process to Andy Warhol.
Happy V-day to all.
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