As I am finally getting my blogroll together, a peek at a few of these visual bloggers who will now be just a click away.
A Journey Round My SkullStrange, odd, illustration from obscure, far away places. What more could you want? Here's how Will describes his blog:
Unhealthy book fetishism from a reader, collector, and amateur historian of forgotten literature. Recent obsessions: illustration and graphic design.
llustration by Alexander Alexeieff, 1929
Fluxus postcard, ‘Men are cheeky but
MONSTERS ARE INOFFENSIVE,’ 1967The Unknown HipsterNot unknown to us. Who better to visually eavesdrop on Larry Gagosian and Mick Jagger at a Damien Hirst opening than Jean-Philippe Delhomme?

The Textile BlogFrom the U.K. Just like the name says—plus links to every important textile resource out there.
Ann Macbeth rug design, 1905
Textile by Scandinavian Modernist, Sven Markelius, 1958
Mbuti barkclothBibliodysseyYou’ll only find it here, if it is old, printed, and truly remarkable.
Croatian genealogical book, 1740
Cutaway of a French nuclear power station, June 1978Ace Jet 170Belfast based graphic designer Richard Weston is impressively tuned into the nuances of print Here’s what he writes about Read Better, Read Faster.
No design credit, and some might claim to understand why, but I think there's an unsung hero at work on this sublimely balanced cover from 1976. Take that finger, for example (photo-credited to John Hybert by the way); positioned one third in. Now, you're telling me that's by accident?

...and wonderful found type.
Nothing is NewNo one knows her way around the archives like Kelly Rakowski. She has been a huge inspiration for many of my far flung virtual adventures.

Members of the Western Massachusetts commune, Brotherhood of the Spirit, in the mid 1970s.
Grain editFrankly, I don’t know why the rest of us bother to post vintage graphics. Chances are anything cool from the 1950s-70s has been posted here already by Dave C + Elizabeth Surya’s crack team.

Little AuguryAn aesthete of the highest order, Little Augury is a devotee of devastating beauty and high style, wherever it may be found, be it antique aristocratic elegance, black & white glamour, or uber-class decadence of a bygone era. Only the most rarified of today’s tastemakers make it onto the radar of this blogging interior designer.
Ivory Objects on an 18th century English lacquer desk.
Lady Ottoline Morrell
Incredible hair by Marisol Suarez
Lee Radziwill in one of the most famous of all the
Indian chintz tented rooms designed by Renzo MongiardinoManystuffContemporary graphic design blog by Paris-based Charlotte Cheetham. Offshoot projects, publications and exhibitions have been developed from this blog.

Words and EggsLots of vintage goodness.

AisleOne "An inspirational resource focused on graphic design, typography, grid systems, minimalism and modernism."
Album covers by Josef Albers.
2010 calendar poster by This Studio.
War Design packaging for adhesive manufacturer, Construction Technologies Australia.