I have to believe that at some point during the
Brimfield antique show's 50-year history, some dejected dealer, picking away at an unsold Gibson, came up with the Brimfield Blues. I’m imagining that it was in the 95-degree heat of July, or a solid week of rain. One thing I can say for sure, though, is that it was not written nor sung this year. I’ve never seen a happier bunch of dealers than the vendors at Brimfield last week. I’d say the report on sales ranged from happy to delirious. That’s how good business was—even after one day. I’m sure there’s a economic indicator in there somewhere …
But back to blue. My first treat of the day was waiting for me in the bushes right outside the front door. Four exquisite robin’s eggs, in an expertly crafted nest. Consummate perfection is definitely a good way to start the day.

We stopped at the Sturbridge Coffee House for refueling, and were greeted by this fabulous Plymouth Fury parked right in front. By the way they have very delicious muffin tops and a sign at the counter poses the question, "What's Your Cup Size?"

It was when I watched Terry get out of the car in her cerulean parka, that I realized there was a definite blue thing going on.

Here’s how the theme played out the rest of the day…

Roof level of a multistory toy parking garage

Aren’t these incredible? They were rescued from an old house in Massachusetts and were at the same
Antique Therapy booth I wrote about the
other day. So far, I haven’t been able to find anything about the Armand Art Studio of Detroit.

Blue eyeshadow--just the right accent for a pink cat. Don't you think?

Terry Rosen, was scouring Brimfield for vintage New England ephemera. When she hunts, she doesn’t just look
on the tables, she looks
under the tables. Which is a good thing because her eagle eye spotted this flea market equivalent of “today’s news, tomorrow’s fish wrap.”
Oh my! I like this pale blue vintage car! And I like everything that is blue! What is the brand of your car? And how's its condition? Better have my own car, soon! =)