I was delighted to find Magazo on La Paleteria, a site that reposted one of the Soviet space posters I put up the other day. The video was originally posted on Mexicovers.
Here are some of the album covers I found posted
there by Sr. Mexicant.

L. Eckstein is a NYC-based graphic designer and artist. When she had a job that came with an office, all matter of visual interest could be tacked up on her wall, or walked down the hall to be shared with a co-worker. Her job no longer comes with an office. This is now her wall—and her hall.
*All my eye and Betty Martin means that something is total and complete nonsense. It is found in British English from the eighteenth century on, but is hardly known today.--World Wide Words
The pregunta is, "Where was I during the making of Magazo?"